Monday, January 23, 2012

New Friends:)

The Jones's came over one day and brought Maddie with them!! We got to hang out and go to Carefour (the closest place that has a Coco) So here are a couple pics about our time!

                                                We were walking and someone noticed that we all had Uggs on, so we got a picture! Maddie to the left, Bethy to the right, Becca at the top, and me at the bottom.
 We were trying to take a picture but something went wrong so they were laughing and i thought this picture was really cute!
   After hanging out with Maddie, i really liked her and will miss her when she goes back to America!
Love ya girl!

Leah Adeline<3

1 comment:

  1. That day was sooo much fun, Leah!
    Maddie misses you all! She left this morning:(
    I'm going to miss her very much!!! Well, I'm glad you got to meet her well she was here! I love you Leah!
